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Laser beam shaping

HomeResearch / Laser Beam Shaping


Spatial beam shaping of femtosecond pulsed laser using Spatial Light Modulator:


In recent years, the laser beam shaping has been of great interest due to its applications in the industries and different fields of research. Nowadays, the spatial beam shaping of a pulsed laser is the most concerned topic of study in the field of photonics.


•We wish to study the spatial beam shaping of femtosecond pulsed laser using a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM).


•We will also study the optical force/potential in an optical trap by coupling the beam shaping setup with the optical tweezer setup.



Can the propagation of the pulsed Bessel/Laguerre Gaussian beam differ from a pulsed Gaussian beam?

Will the spatial properties change on the beam shaping of pulsed laser?

How the force/potential will behave in optical tweezer on using a shaped pulse beam?

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