Condensed Phase Dynamics Group
Conferences attended
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Sushila Kumari, HyPe -24, National institute of Science education and research , Bhubaneswar, 19-22 December 2024.
Amit Kumar, Conference on Advances in Chemistry for Energy and Environment (CACEE)-2024, TIFR, Mumbai,16-20 December, 2024.
Arijit Kumar De, Monu, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra, Abdul Alim, Amit Kumar, Sashti Paul, Sushila Kumari, Anjali Bansal, Indira Sarkar, Ramandeep Kaur, Ram Bhawan Diwakar, An International Conference on Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics and Optical Spectroscopy (UNOOS), IISER Mohali, 10-12 December 2024.​
Abdul Alim, International Conference on Advances in Optics and Photonics Instrumentations (OPTOIn 2024), CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh, 23-25 October 2024.
Monu, Physical Chemistry Symposium (SoPhyC) -2024, IIT Bombay, 22-25 October 2024.
Anjali Bansal, Indira Sarkar, Ultrafast Sciences-2024, National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, 28-30 November.
​Sasthi Paul, National Workshop on Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy (FCS XV),16-18 November 2024 and "International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences” OWLS-17, 18-21 November 2024 , IIT Bombay, Mumbai.
Arijit Kumar De, Amit Kumar, Sushila Kumari, One day workshop "Electronic Materials: Preparation, Characterization and Applications IIT Mandi 20 April 2024.
- Arijit Kumar De, Nitin Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Amit Kumar, Sasthi Paul, Sushila Kumari, Anjali Bansal, Amit Kumar, Indira Sarkar, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Photodynamics and Photocatalysis (ETPP) IISER Mohali 25-27 March 2024.
- Arijit K. De, Recent Trends in Chemical Science and Technology (RTCST) IIT Patna, 1-2 March-2024.
- Anjali Bansal, Inter IISER NISER Chemistry Meet 2024, IISER Kolkata, 23-25 February 2024.
- Subho Mitra, Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters (SDMC), Kaziranga, Assam, 22-25 February 2024.
- Subho Mitra, 9th Topical Conference on Ultrafast Photonics and Quantum Science, PRL Ahmedabad, 15-17 February 2024.
- Amit Kumar, Sushila Kumari, International Conference on Hybrid Halide Perovskite IACS Kolkata 22-23 December, 2023
- Arijit K. De, Amit Kumar, Sushila Kumari, ATOS Materials in Focus Koti Resorts, Shimla 15 to 17 Dec 2023.
- Arijit Kumar De, Nitin Yadav, Garima Bhutani, Sumit Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra, Amit Kumar, Abdul Alim, Sasthi Paul, Sushila Kumari, Anjali Bansal, Amit Kumar, Indira Sarkar, National Workshop on Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy (FCS XIV), IISER Mohali, 09-15 December 2023.
Arijit Kumar De, Gitam Chemistry Research Conferences 2023, Organised by Department of Chemistry, GITAM School of Science, GITAM, Visakhapatnam, 7th December to 9th December 2023.
- Anjali Bansal, Indira Sarkar, International Conference on Optoelectronic and Bio-inspired Nanomaterials, IIT Roorkee, 4 - 6 December 2023.
- Amit Kumar, Sasthi Paul, Ultrafast Sciences - 2023 (UFS-2023) CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), New Delhi 25-27 November 2023.
- Sakshi Chawla, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MOLECULAR ENERGY TRANSFER IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS 12 - 17 November 2023 Shiv Vilas Resorts, Jaipur, India.
- Arijit Kumar De, An International Conference on Structure and Dynamics: Spectroscopy and Scattering (SDSS-2023), IACS, Kolkata, 5 to 8 October, 2023.
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- Sakshi Chawla, International Conference on “Molecularly Designed Functional Materials 2023 (MDFM 23), conducted by S & T Digital (virtual), 28 to 30 September 2023.
- Abdul Alim, Student Conference on Optics and Photonics (SCOP), Physics Research Laboratory Ahmedabad 27-29th September.
- Subho Mitra, Quantum Control of Light and Matter Gordon Research Conference, Salve Regina University, Newport, RI, USA, 6-11 August 2023.
- Arijit Kumar De, The 15th Femtochemistry Conference (FEMTO 15),Berlin, Germany 30 July- 4 August 2023.
- Garima Bhutani, Sakshi Chawla, The 31st International Conference on Photochemistry, Sapporo, Japan 23-28 July 2023.
- Arijit K De, Sumit Yadav, Abdul Alim, Indo French Workshop on Disruptive Nanophotonics, CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh, India, 14-16 June 2023.
- Arijit K De, Sumit Yadav, Abdul Alim, Optica Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, virtual web conference, 23-27 April 2023.
- Sasthi Paul, The 45th Indian Biophysical Society Meeting (IBS-2023), Bangalore, India. 25-29 March 2023.
Arijit Kumar De, Samita Mishra, Amit Kumar, ​Perovskite Society of India Meet (PSIM-2023), IIT Roorkee 1-3 March, 2023
- Shaina Dhamija, IX International Conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICOPVS-2022), 13-17 December, Indore India.
- Shaina Dhamija, Sumit Yadav, Abdul Alim, XLV symposium of the optical society of India:Conference on Optics, Photonis and Quantum Optics(COPaQ 2022), IIT Roorkee, India 10-13 November2022.
- Subho Mitra, Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters (SDMC), 2022, 10-13 November, 2022, Malpe, Mangalore.
- Sakshi Chawla, Ultrafast Sciences (UFS 2022) IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India 3-5 November 2022.
- Shaina Dhamija, Garima Bhutani, Sumit Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra, Abdul Alim, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO + LS) virtual web conference, 17-20 October , 2022.
- Amit Kumar, International Conference on the theme of Emerging Materials for Sustainable Development (EMSD-2022), -CSIO, Sector 30 C, Chandigarh India, 10-11 October 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, 7th Annual International Student Conference on Optics and Photonics (SCOP-2022), Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad 28-30 September 2022.
- Sumit Yadav, SPIE Optics+photonics 2022, San Diego, USA. 21-25 August , 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, 13th International Conference Series on Laser-light and Interactions with Particles (LIP-2022), Warsaw Poland, August 21-26, 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, Future Oriented Research Conferences & Exhibitions: Interdisciplinary Initiatives in Chemical Sciences (FORCE-IICS-2022), Jaypee Palace, Agra, 28-31 July 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, Shaina Dhamija, Samita Mishra, Garima Bhutani, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra. International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena-2022; Montréal, Quebec, Canada, July 18-22, 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, Nitin Yadav, Shaina Dhamija, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra, Amit, Sasthi Paul. 29th Chemical Research Society of India: 29th National Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-NCS-29), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, India. July 7-9, 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, Chemical Science Symposium, IIT Mandi. 23-25 May 2022.
- Arijit Kumar De, Shaina Dhamija, Samita Mishra, Garima Bhutani, Sumit Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra, Amit. 7th Theme Meeting on UltrafastSciences-01(UFS-2021) Webinar, November 12-14, 2021.
Shaina Dhamija, Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO + LS) virtual web conference. October 31-November 4, 2021.
- Arijit Kumar De, Anita Yadav, Garima Bhutani, Samita Mishra, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra, Amit. Physical Chemistry Physical Biology (PCPB) 2021 (Virtual conference), September 24-28, 2021.
- Anita Yadav, Yogita Silori, Shaina Dhamija, Samita Mishra, Garima Bhutani, Sumit Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra. International conference on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2021) (Virtual event), June 13-18, 2021.​
Anita Yadav, Yogita Silori, Shaina Dhamija, Samita Mishra, Garima Bhutani, Sumit Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra. The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (UP) 2020 (Virtual event), Nov 16-19, 2020.
Yogita Silori. Chem Day 2020 (Chemistry at the Interface of Light, Matter and Life), Dept. of Chemical Sciences, IISER Mohali, October 17, 2020.
Anita Yadav, Garima Bhutani, Sakshi Chawla. National Students Conference on Spectroscopy (NSCoS), web conference jointly organized by SciRox (Science Club), Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar and Chemical Research Society of India (Local Chapter Chandigarh/Amritsar). October 16-17, 2020
Subhash Chander, One Week Online Short Term Training Program ‘Research Scholars’ Week: Applied Sciences and Humanities, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra (Virtual event). September 23-27, 2020.
Arijit Kumar De, Subhash Chander, Anita Yadav, Yogita Silori, Shaina Dhamija, Samita Mishra, Garima Bhutani, Sumit Yadav, Sakshi Chawla, Subho Mitra. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO + LS) virtual web conference. September 4-17, 2020.
Subhash Chander. RSC Desktop Seminar with ChemComm, RSC Publications (Virtual event). September 8, 2020.
Sumit Yadav. SPIE Optics + Photonics, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XVII. 24 August 24 -September 4, 2020.
Arijit Kumar De, Sumit Yadav, Anita Devi. SPIE Optics + Photonics, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XVII. August 20, 2020.
Subhash Chander. DST & ACS Virtual Workshop, ACS Publications (Virtual event). July 28, 2020.
Sumit Yadav. OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (Virtual event). July 13-16, 2020.
Subhash Chander. Online RSC Workshop: How to publish your work in high impact journals, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and nanoGe (Virtual event). June 17, 2020.
Subhash Chander, 24th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Virtual Conference. June 15-20, 2020, Online/Virtual.
Subhash Chander, Garima Bhutani, Sakshi Chawla and Subho Mitra, The 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), May 11-15, 2020, Online/Virtual.
Yogita Silori, Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters (SDMC-2020). February 20-23, 2020. Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan, India.
Subhash Chander, SERB School on Advanced Functional Materials at Nano and Atomic Scale. February 10-28, 2020. IIT Goa, India.
Samita Mishra and Sakshi Chawla, Chemical Research Society of India: 26th National Symposium in Chemistry (CRSI-NCS-26). February 6-9, 2020. Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India.
Subhash Chander and Samita Mishra, Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop on Materials Engineering for Sustainable Environment and Energy (MESES-2020). January 9-10, 2020. CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh, India.
Subhash Chander, Wiley Author Workshop on Academic Publishing for Quality Research: How to Get Published & Avoid Pitfalls. December 7, 2019. IISER Mohali, India.
Arijit Kumar De and Garima Bhutani, Ultrafast Sciences (UFS-2019). November 7-9, 2019. IIT Bombay, India.
Yogita Silori, and Shaina Dhamija, CRIKC Chemistry Symposium (CCS-2019). November 2-3, 2019. IISER Mohali, Punjab, India.
Anita Devi, Sumit Yadav, and Dharm Singh Yadav, Workshop on Advanced Photonics Technologies in Sensing, Communication, and Instrumentation (WAPT) CSIR-CSIO. October 17-18, 2019. Chandigarh, India.
Arijit Kumar De, International Workshop on Terahertz Technologies (IWTT-2019). September 20-21, 2019. IIT Delhi, India.
Subhash Chander, 258th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. August 25-29, 2019. ACS,San Diego, CA, USA.
Subhash Chander, CAS Future Leaders Meeting. August 19-24, 2019. CAS Headquarters, Columbus, USA.
Yogita Silori, 29th International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP-2019). July 21-27, 2019. University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
Yogita Silori, Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference 2019. July 14-19, 2019. Stonehill College, Massachusetts, USA.
Arijit Kumar De and Shaina Dhamija, International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics (ICUSD 2019). June 25-28, 2019.. Daejeon, South Korea.
Anita Devi, SPIE-European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 2019. June 23-27, 2019. ICM-Trade Fair Centre, Munich, Germany.
Anita Devi, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019. June 23-27, 2019. ICM-Trade Fair Centre, Munich, Germany.
Sumit Yadav, 6th Soft-Matter: Young Investigators Meeting (SM-YIM). May 12-14, 2019. Shillong, India.
Garima Bhutani and Sakshi Chawla, Spectroscopy, Structure & Dynamics (SSD-2019). April 5-7, 2019. IIT Roorkee, India.
Subhash Chander, 10th Research Opportunity Week. April 1-5, 2019. Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
Yogita Silori, Shaina Dhamija, Garima Bhutani, Sakshi Chawla, Global Initiative of Academic Networks(GIAN-2019). February 26- March 5, 2019. IIT Kanpur, India.
Arijit Kumar De, Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters (SDMC-2019). February 21-24, 2019. Shimla,India.
Arijit Kumar De,Yogita Silori, Shaina Dhamija, Dynamics at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology (DICB-2019). February18-20, 2019. Indian Institute Of Science,Bangalore, India.
Samita Mishra, The Materials Research Society of India (MRSI-2018). February 12-15, 2019. Indian Institute Of Science,Bangalore, India.
Arijit Kumar De, 5th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2019), January 28-31, 2019. SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM IST- formerly known as SRM University), Chennai, India.
Arindam Das, International Conference On Complex And Functional Materials(ICCFM-2018). December 14-18, 2018. Biswa Bangla Convention Center, Kolkata, India.
Yogita Silori, Anita Devi, Sumit, Pankaj Seliya, The International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics – PHOTONICS 2018. December 12-15, 2018. IIT Delhi, Delhi, India. ​
Anita Devi, CRIKC 2016, October 11-13 2017. IISER Mohali, India
Arijit Kumar De, 9th International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy (CMDS 2018). June 25-29, 2018. Seoul, South Korea.
Arijit Kumar De, 5th Soft-Matter: Young Investigators Meeting (SM-YIM). May 23-25, 2018. Shimla, India.
Samita Mishra, International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM-2018). Energy and Biomedical Applications. April 13-15, 2018.Chandigarh, India.
Shaina Dhamija and Samita Mishra, North-West Meeting on Spectroscopy, Structure and Dynamics (SSD-2018). March 16-18, 2018. MNIT Jaipur, India.
Arijit Kumar De, 15th Discussion meeting on Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters (SDMC-2018). February 15-18, 2018. Dooars, India.
Yogita Silori, Anita Devi and Shaina Dhamija, ACS campus meet-2018, February 9, 2018, IISER Mohali, Punjab, India.
Arijit Kumar De and Shaina Dhamija, Faraday Discussion (on Photoinduced Processes in Nucleic Acids and Proteins). January 11-13, 2018. Trivandrum, India.​
​Yogita Silori, Inter IISER & NISER Chemistry Meet (IINCM-2017). December 22-24, 2017, NISER Bhubaneswar, India.
Shaina Dhamija, National Conference on Liquid Crystals (NCLC). October 11-13, 2017. IISER Mohali, India.
Arijit Kumar De, Conference on Spectroscopy of Emerging Functional Materials.October 9-10, 2017. IIT Mandi, India.
Arijit Kumar De, 11th Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Control of Light and Matter. August 6-11, 2017. MA, USA.
Arijit Kumar De and Yogita Silori, Northwest Meeting on Spectroscopy, Structure and Dynamics (SSD-2017). March 18-19, 2017, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, India.
Yogita Silori, National Symposium of Radiation and Photochemistry (NSRP-2017). March 2-4, 2017, Manipal University, Udupi, Manglore, India.
Arijit Kumar De and Shaina Dhamija, Inter-IISER Chemistry Meet (IICM). January 20-22, 2017. IISER Bhopal, India.​​​​
Yogita Silori, CRIKC Nanoscience Day 2016, August 8, 2016, IISER Mohali, Punjab, India.
Arijit Kumar De and Yogita Silori, CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry (NSC-18) and 10th RSC-CRSI symposium. February 4-7, 2016. Punjab University, Punjab, India.
Arijit Kumar De, Photonics-2016. December 4-8, 2016. IIT Kanpur, India.
Arijit Kumar De, DAE-BRNS Theme Meeting on Ultrafast Science-2016 (UFS-2016), November 24-26, 2016. BARC, Mumbai, India.
Arijit Kumar De, 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research. August 7-12, 2016. Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Arijit Kumar De, 13th DAE-BRNS Biennial Trombay Symposium on Radiation & Photochemistry (including 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiation Chemistry). January 4-9 , 2016. BARC, Mumbai, India. ​